- Clemson. We abhor schools that must spell out their name while cheering at games. Is this some remedial English class or just a reminder that you are attending a sub-par academic institution? We all know your dumb asses can spell; you don't have to prove it to us, we'll take your word for it. But this week our "enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend" maxim holds true yet again. We need ThugU to lose a game so we can go to Tampa and hang out at all the strip clubs in Ybor City - I mean watch the Jackets in the ACC Championship game. As we all know from the whoopin' we took earlier this year, ThugU is very good. Perhaps our best bet for them to lose is for Dabo & his Band of Merry Morons to take care of them this week. We can only hope...
- The UConn Huskies. What a tragedy this team has endured this week as starting cornerback Jasper "Jazz" Howard was stabbed at an on-campus dance & died in the arms of two teammates. We can't imagine how Coach Randy Edsall, his staff, & team are dealing with the loss of a teammate & friend. Our thoughts are with Howard's family, his pregnant girlfriend, & the UConn team & community. We're glib & funny & generally pretty slapstick around here, but bear with us for a moment. No family, coach, or team should ever have to go through something like this. Senseless & tragic. We're rooting for you all up at UConn this week, more-so to heal than to win. May you find grace in all this...
A tragedy for all of college football..R.I.P. "Jazz"
Dabo feels your pain