Before we get into this, lets put the anti-jinx mojo on this by saying, IF Tech beats Wake, Georgia and Duke, these things will help.
1 - The sure shot. Alabama to beat LSU. This is the best case scenario, as an LSU loss would vacate the #9 spot in front of Georgia Tech, but an Alabama loss would probably just create a reshuffling of spots 3 through 9 leaving Tech stranded at ten. In true Barrel form we aren't so much rooting for Alabama to beat LSU as we are rooting for the USS Alabama to come alive Maximum Overdrive style and start dropping 16" inch shells on Jordan Jefferson. Of course we're not sure the USS Alabama could displace Terrance Cody from the starting nose tackle position, and it displaces 42,500 tons when fully loaded.

3) Even longer shot. For Marshall Faulk to sneak into the Aztec locker room and slip on his old school colors and reak havoc on TCU. We don't mean the new look Aztec jersey, we mean Faulk should put on the old school, block letter, AAAA high school football practice uniforms they sported back in his day. If you are going to fight clash.
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