....Or we'll lock you in a closet. You may then have your former football player Dad use his position in the media to shed light on the fact you were locked in a dungeon, or closet, or equipment room, IN THE DARK, as the case appears to be. Oh shit, the dreaded dark! What the fuck is going on in Lubbock? Mike Leach is a crazy bastard. That's not always a bad thing. He's often crazy like a fox, or a high seas pirate, as he would like to believe. So either Leach done lost his head & nutted up, locking an injured player in an equipment storage closet in the dark in lieu of practice while said player had a concussion, or, Adam James is a young man with a sense of entitlement whose pride was wounded & whose Dad acts like a little league father when his son doesn't get the playing time he felt he deserved. Either way, the storm's arisin' for the Lubbock Pirate & things are getting dicey. For the record some of James' former crew-mates on the S.S. Red Raider are staying loyal to their Captain. We can't make this shit up, we swear....
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