Oh, the teeth they are a gnashing. What are we to do? 1-6 passing with an interception on Saturday. Might as well pack it in.........
No it wasn't pretty. In fact it was ugly. Our passing game needs work. We all know that. It's no secret. But it's not the end of the world, either. We run the ball. That's what we do, that's how we make our living. But what do people expect? We are, unabashedly, a running team. When we pass, which is rare, we hope to do so with devastating efficiency. But we need some realistic expectations here. So we're going to break down Joshua Nesbitt's passing in order to get a better idea of what we can expect in our passing game.
Let's get one thing straight: Joshua Nesbitt's arm is a blunderbuss. If you want a sniper rifle, watch Boise State's Kellen Moore or Arkansas' Ryan Mallet. Those guys dig in, take aim & release highly accurate munitions. They can't move, but the ball goes exactly where it's aimed. It's some high tech stuff:
That's not us or our guy. We're more 17th century chic. Think smooth bore. No rifling. A muzzleloader than can handle lead shot or anything else you cram into it. In a pinch & out of ammo? Grab some rocks, broken glass, & a nail or two. Throw 'em down the muzzle, put some powder in that bad boy & squeeze the trigger. Anything directly in front of you is rendered completely useless. No need to take aim, just point & squeeze. Range? Oh, about 15 yards or so, after that it's anybody's guess. This is some calvary shit right here. Nothing stationary where the enemy can pinpoint your location. We're on the move, taking ground at will and firing this baby when necessary:
So take heart in our "old school" ways. While others embrace fancy, new fangled offenses, we run Old Faithful, the option. And you can have your four wide receivers; I'll take four guys that can run the ball. But I love what we have. Yes, it misses frequently and can be maddeningly inaccurate. Comes with the weapon. But when it hits, it's devastatingly effective, rendering anything in it's path a useless hunk of rubble. Embrace the blunderbuss, because that's what we've got, it seems to work pretty damn well, & it doesn't look like it will be changing anytime soon.....